Sep 2, 2009

an unacceptable yet forgivable rumour

I just browsed through my batch's portal and god I swear my heart just skipped a beat after reading an announcement.Giler bapak arr.Rase cam nak nanges je tadi.Or maybe I did cried.Terkejut la dey.Korang kalau nak tengok aku masok icu,silalah kuarkan statement yang sebegitu lagi eah.Felt like my heart just been flushed in the toilet!Please please!confirm whatever the thing you had with you first before posting it.That kinda stuff could kill me.Nasib baek laa c YY tu dengan pantas dan efficientnye kol gmn.Walaupun tanak puji lebih2 tapi thanks to him my heart start beating normal again.

There's a 'little' misunderstanding dalam fees ktorang.Tiba2 kuar rumours dy punye fees naek 2x ganda.Gilo apa.Da laa fees dy dalam Great Britain Pound.It turns out the fees stays the same cause our agent had some sort of agreement dengan the university pasal fees.Agent2 laen mungkin ade masalah.Kesian dak2 tu.Ade yang sampai kene tukar university because of the fees.Korang neh.Aku ade dua adik masih bersekolah ok.Ta bole pk aku sorang je nak blaja.I didn't even tell my parents about this.I didn't want them to be shocked or whatever.Even if it is just a rumour.I've troubled them enough.

hemm but think back,I know they didn't mean it.I mean surely they would've feel the same as me.Or maybe worse.Atleast they did told the rest of us.Imagine if we only know about this when we get there.Tak nak rase cam nak mati pulak kan.Sorry laa korang.Cuma rumours yang macam tu memang mencuakkan aku. T__T

Ok.Enough with that.Glad everything was just fine.Alhamdullillah.

Apsal laa lately nie asyik pk pasal twilight je nie.Cam tak sabar nak tengok new moon.But too bad,nanti kene g cairo nak tengok wayang.Yup.Kat mansoura tade cinema ok.Haishh..Tape2 tak mati.Fuh2!!Lagipun nanti bole usha2 reason to shop kalau kat cairo.Wee =) haha.Tak pun bole tengok kat alex.Lagi bes!Dapat lepak kat beach dy.muahaha!!

Berangan je lebih.Aishh niat da lain.Takle2.Niat leklok balik.G nak blaja ok.Bukan shop and habiskan duit mak ngan abah ye.Mintak2 jangan laa nak exam tyme new moon launched nanti.Amin.Haha