Nov 19, 2009

to this little dude of mine

Sometimes,things might not happened the way we want.Well,not sometimes,most of the time actually.So,went things just totally went upside down,look on the brighter side,everyone faces the same thing too!

Don't be too sad dude.Trust yourself.And most importantly,trust Allah.I know I may not be the right person to say this.I'm full of shits myself but sometimes,when things went totally upside down,there's always something brighter than the lights actually waits for you on the other side.You just need to walk there and open the door.

One thing that I never doubt in this life is that Allah never leaves me alone.So if He didn't give you what you want this time,He'll give you something else.Maybe something much better.He's not leaving you,He's just helping you in different way.Never stops praying cause He ALWAYS listens.OK?

Just chill out.Upsr is NOT[!] everything.I've seen people who used to get 5A's but was not in college and people with no A's probably doing something big in university now.So just forget about it.NOBODY is dissapointed in you.Everyone loves you just for who you are.Chill out ok.Nanti kakak balik msia kte g lepak tebrau.tengok wayang ke shopping ke whatever laa.I'll drive.Illegally mwahaha!Chill ok.I was never a bright student too.Kte sama je.Yang pandai dolce sorang je.Haha!

p/s:cakap ngn akem klu nk dtg JB takle dok tempat kakak =P hihi