Oct 25, 2009

tortous emotion

First of all,

Daiya,please update your blog.Now.Dilwa'ty.

Ok.Serious mode.Huhh..I'm so not in the mood for blogging but I really need to spill this hellish and whatever-ish thing inside my damn pumping organ in my chest.Tak kira laa muscle ape nk contract or relax.Just wish to let it out.Huhh..

I change my course just now.I don't know why but I kept thinking whether I'm doing the right thing or not.I'm still doing medic.Yes.Tukar program laa actually.Mom had been asking me to change since the past a week but I said no.I thought I can do a regular program.Tapi..Ntahlaa.I don't get it.Tak sempat nak sembahyang istikarah pun.Pape laa.InsyaAllah I'm on the right track.I'll pray hard for His help.

Ok.Da.Nak cakap tuu je.Suddenly my pumping organ works better now.Impulse sampai kat spinal chord dengan btol kot.I don't know.Whatever laa.My brain and body works just fine.InsyaAllah.My bones je yang tak grow.Sighh [tetiba emo.I don't get it].

I'll stop before I start crapping again.See ya.