Congratulations!You're 52 malaysia!Sheeshh..You're old.Haha.Talking crap again.So anyway,I'm in kl [again] and probably just missed one of the most looked-forward event right now,which is our 'ritual' yearly buka puasa together.Yeah screw it.But I can't do anything about it.I wasn't in good mood the whole day.Da laa I haven't done with that stupid registeration lagi.Mampos aku kalau tak register lagi.Kang kene reject pulak ngn university tu.Adeh..
So umm I wasn't in good mood the whole day [thought I mentioned it =.= ] today,but not untill kira2 umm two hours ago kot.Had great time with new experience.Haha.I went to jalan TAR and just got back around 1100pm just now.That was my first time jalan2 [like really jalan2.Dari hujung cini sampai hujung sana!] at jalan TAR.I don't really like jalan TAR cause kat citu banyak endon.Tapi td nak cari tudung yuna so just went to check it out.[and I did found a few =) ].
Umm cam bese ofcourse,jalan TAR kalau nak raya kan kalah venice.Haha.It was so full of people.And off all kind.There's this store selling tudung,selendang,etc.Tapi yang 'menarik'nye,dy punye salesguys yang jual tu sume dress up in tudung!!Klaka gler!Gler ape dyorang tu.Abah cakap last year dyorang pakai baju kurung.And they were like standing in chairs and start shouting "tudung,tudung!!Meh tengok kak,abang,adik!Perempuan bole,laki pun bole!!" xDxDxD hahaha.Bodo arr.If you were to be in jalan TAR in this ramadhan don't forget to check this guy out.Dyorang nyer store dekat ngn semua house.Tak bole blah tol.
But,that wasn't the main reason why my mood got better.Haha but that was fun though.I saw a few cute guys!Haha seriously.They were like SUPER cute!It's been so long since the last time I actually found a cute guy randomly.But tonight,I found like three of them.Haha.Yang sorang tu memang unconditionly cute.Sampai sekarang dok ingat lagi.Haha.OK2.Shut up.[still giggling xDxD]. Ehem2 ok.I'm shutting up.
Hemm..I wonder how they spend the ritual buka puasa just now.It must be like super duper fun.Wait,ofcourse it was super duper fun.Duhh..You get to be with everyone you miss so much.Ape da.But I heard niesa just caught high fever.Heard it's a bad one.Kesian dy.I mean puasa2 sakit.She said she always had this homesick every two weeks.If I were to be homesick that soon,God knows how I'm supposed to survive in egypt.
Then I remember.In our forum,there was this topic "macam mana nak contact family di malaysia?".And there was this guy wrote "balik arr dua minggu skali.Cam korang slalu wat kat ukm dulu".Ahaha xDxD sarcastic gler.kalau bapak dy bole bayar duit flight bole arr.Aduhh.But there were other few ideas like "hantar owl arr.Cam citer harry potter","gune asap ke?antar signal bile nak contact","sorang blaja lesen ferry,kt ramai2 balik every month.amacam?" and so many other.Dyorang nie nama je nak blaja medic,tapi sume kepala cam giler.Tapape je dyorang nyer idea.But it cheers everyone up so we don't mind.Haha
p/s to diha and syarfa:bes arr bagi ikan korang makan =).Jangan marah tau kalau jadi gemok.My cat went fat too after a few month haha xDxD